Technology Award
Introducing Nikon technologies that have been recognized and awarded by external organizations.
Ceramic Society of Japan Ceramics Award
Oct. 12, 2023
Kietsu Saito of the Production division of Hikari Glass Co., Ltd. has been awarded the 2023 Ceramics Award (Skills Category) from the Ceramic Society of Japan, a public interest incorporated association. The Ceramics Award is given to individuals who have worked in a field related to ceramics and have made outstanding contributions to the progress and development of that field. At the awards ceremony, the president of the association presented the award certificates and medals to the recipients.

Merit Award from The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry
Sep. 14, 2023
Takahiro Ozumi of Materials & Advanced Research Laboratory, Advanced Technology Research & Development Division, has received the 2022 Merit Award from The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry. The Merit Award is presented to individuals who have made outstanding contributions over many years through practical analytical work or through work in the manufacture of machines, instruments, reagents, and other equipment essential to analysis.
The award was presented in recognition of the team’s analysis of inorganic gases using techniques such as Ion Chromatography, the environmental assessment of lenses and the elucidation of lens clouding mechanisms, as well as their development of various applications for a range of analytical methods that have contributed to improving product quality.

The venture which is in a business partnership withNikon CeLL innovation Co., Ltd., receive the “Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award” at the 2023 Awards for Academic Startups
Aug. 24, 2023
Cellusion Inc. which is in a business partnership with Nikon CeLL innovation Co., Ltd., received the “Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award” at the 2023 Awards for Academic Startups.
This year marks the 9th year for the Awards for Academic Startups. Among venture companies that have started businesses that utilize the results obtained at universities, this honors outstanding companies that are expected to be active in the future, as well as recognizing universities and companies that have particularly contributed to their growth. In the review, points that were highly praised include a development promotion system having been built to establish a new treatment method for bullous keratopathy using corneal endothelial substitute cells derived from iPS cells, steady progress in clinical research for products and technologies that have the potential to overcome the challenges of conventional methods, and for the fact there are expectations to provide hope for patients waiting for corneal transplants around the world.

Received the Excellent Paper Presentation Award at the 43th Annual Meeting of the Laser Society of Japan
May 31, 2023
Yuki Terui of the Fundamental Technology Development Department, Optical Engineering Division received the Excellent Paper Presentation Award at The 43th Annual Meeting of the Laser Society of Japan on May 31, 2023.
The Excellent Paper Presentation Award is given to an outstanding paper on laser technology presented at the annual meeting. Titled “Proposal and verification of simultaneous multi-color ISM using image rotator.” a technology that uses image processing to separate information from two wavelengths obtained by a single sensor in a microscopic method called “Image Scanning Microscopy (ISM)” was praised in this award.

Best Presentation Award at Rational Derivational Development Conference 2023
May 26, 2023
At the “Rational Derivational Development *1 Conference” hosted by the Association for Facilitation Of Rational Derivational Development, held on May 26, 2023, Takumi Ishikawa from the Software Development Department, Imaging Business Unit gave a presentation and won the “Best Presentation Award” given to the most outstanding presentation.
Titled “An Attempt to Improve Development Efficiency by Combining Feature Models and XDDP*2 in Rational Derivational Development of Embedded Devices,” he presented the results of changing the style of development by combining various tools and paradigms, aiming to improve the efficiency of firmware development for digital single-lens cameras.
- *1Rational Derivational Development: Developing a new product by modifying or improving a part of an existing product
- *2XDDP (eXtreme Rational Derivational Development Process): A development method that focuses only on the “differences” based on the predecessor model, eliminating waste and pursuing rationality, rather than the traditional new development process

Received the “Gold Prize of Paper Award from the Precise Measurement Technology Promotion Foundation” and the “Roust Quality Engineering Society ASI Award”
Jun. 24, 2022
In 2021, Kota Sato of Production division of Hikari Glass Co., Ltd. published a paper in the journal of the Japan Society for Quality Engineering, titled “Development of Optical Glass Melting Technology Using Process Function Spreadsheets.” The paper was selected for the Gold Award in the “Engineering Paper Award” and the “Roust Quality Engineering Society ASI Award.” The paper explains how quality engineering was used to reproduce the results of small-scale experiments in large-scale mass production in the development of new optical glasses and processes.
The Gold Prize of the “Development of Optical Glass Melting Technology using a Process Task Visualization Chart” is given to the most outstanding paper by the Foundation’s Paper Award Judgment Committee among papers published in the Journal of the Society for Quality Engineering. This time, the paper was selected from a total of 20 papers published in 2020 and 2021. The “Society of Quality Engineering ASI Award” is given by the American Supplier Institute Inc. (ASI) to a report published in a journal of the Society of Quality Engineering, such as a paper or implementation report, that the American Supplier Institute Inc. (ASI) would like to widely introduce to the world. This time, it was selected from those published in 2021.