Employees' Health and Safety

Materiality 9

Relevant SDGs

3 Good health and well-being 8 Decent work and economic growth


Allowing each individual to fulfill their potential with a sense of physical and mental health in a safe and comfortable working environment


Raising awareness of the Nikon Group Health and Safety Policy and implementing health and safety activities

Reason for Priority

Employees’ health and safety are the foundations of the company’s activities. Ensuring health and safety requires systems and work environments in which employees understand the importance of their own health and safety and participate voluntarily in various health and safety activities. Such activities include various health checkups, health and safety training, and safety-related risk assessments.


In the Nikon Group Health and Safety Declaration of the Nikon Group Health and Safety Policy established in March 2023, the Nikon Group expressed our commitment to creating workplaces with a sense of health, safety, and enriched spirit for all Nikon Group employees, including those at temporary employment agencies and contractors.
In 2024, the second year of the policy, we will review various risks to the health and safety of all persons working for the Nikon Group and carry out various health and safety activities.

Basic Approach

The Nikon Group aims to ensure the health and safety of our employees, the foundation of our corporate activities, to lead to better employee productivity. To do so, we must give priority to eliminating and reducing risks that threaten the health and safety of all people working for the Nikon Group, including employees of temporary agencies and contractors. In March 2023, we established the Nikon Group Health and Safety Policy at the Central Health and Safety Committee and expressed our approach to the policy as the Health and Safety Declaration.

Nikon Group Health and Safety Policy

Health and Safety Declaration

We will create workplaces where all those who work in Nikon Group can feel safe in the knowledge that their health, safety, and general enriched spirit are a priority for the respective companies. With that knowledge, each and every employee will perform their duties willingly and enthusiastically to help the Nikon Group achieve its goal of becoming a key technology solutions company in a global society where humans and machines co-create seamlessly.

Major Issues

  1. 1.Maintaining and promoting good health of the employees (increasing health literacy)
    Employees will be aware of the importance of good physical and mental health, and will take an active role in checking, maintaining, and improving their health.
  2. 2.Preventing occupational accidents through thorough legal compliance and safety management
    Under the respective health and safety management systems, we will carry out preventative measures, such as safety patrols, work risk assessments, safety education, and activities that develop employees’ ability to sense and identify danger in the workplace.
    Occupational accident case studies from, and safety activities implemented by, Nikon Group around the world will be shared and used to develop measures that prevent recurrence at any Group company.
  3. 3.Creating a vibrant work environment through dialogue (making two-way communication easier and more comfortable for both parties)
    We will create a pleasant and rewarding work environment through promoting mutual understanding, trust, and a sense of solidarity.

Indicators and Targets

Indicators and Targets (Target Fiscal Year) FY2023 Plan FY2023 Results FY2024 Plan
Percentage of findings in regular medical checkups for the Nikon Group in Japan*1: below the previous national average*2 (every fiscal year)

57.3% or less of the 2022 national average

  • Health guidance and recommendations for medical checkups by occupational health staff
  • Health education
Percentage of findings in regular medical checkups (Nikon): 48.7%

Less than the 2023 national average

  • Health guidance and recommendations for medical checkups by occupational health staff
  • Health education
  • Tracking overtime hours
Annual incidence of occupational accidents attributable to work or related to the performance of work: 60 cases or less (FY2025)
  1. 1.Risk assessments
  2. 2.Safety education
  3. 3.Sharing of health and safety information
Annual incidence of occupational accidents attributable to work or related to the performance of work: 52 cases (29 in Japan and 23 outside Japan)
  1. 1.Risk assessment
  2. 2.Safety education
  3. 3.Sharing of health and safety and accident risk information
High stressed person rates in stress checks (Nikon): Below the previous national average*3 (every fiscal year)

15.0% or less of the 2022 national average

  • Individual counseling
  • Mental health education
High stressed person rates in stress checks: 13.5%

14.8% or less of the 2023 national average

  • Individual counseling
  • Mental health education
  1. *1Expanding the target from Nikon to the Nikon Group in Japan beginning FY2024. Accordingly, FY2023 plan and results are for Nikon only.
  2. *2National average for the manufacturing industry as published by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.
  3. *3National average as published by stress check contractors.

Sustainability Report

For more information, refer to Employees' Health and Safety in the Sustainability Report.

Employees' Health and Safety

  • Basic Approach
  • Strategy
  • Governance
  • Risk Management
  • Indicators and Targets
  • Major Initiatives