
Respecting people is part of how Nikon fulfills our corporate social responsibility to respect human rights and how we recruit and develop the human resources who will be instrumental in our contribution to a more prosperous society. The Nikon Group fosters a corporate culture in which a diverse range of employees work safely and with peace of mind. We also work with procurement partners in our supply chain to ensure business activities take into account health, safety, labor, ethics, and other factors.
6. Building a resilient supply chain
- Vision
- A sustainable supply chain that remains sound at all times in the face of business risks and social issues
- Strategy
- Building a mechanism for supply chain risk assessments and immediate emergency response
- Indicator: Targets
(Target Fiscal Year) -
- Percentage of human rights due diligence conducted*1(critical procurement partners): 100% (FY2025)
- Understanding BCP systems in the supply chain*2: 100% (FY2025)
- *1Implement until improvement is completed when a survey or audit reveals correction is necessary.
- *2The number of suppliers within the scope of the supply chain requiring the establishment of a BCP system.
7. Respecting human rights
- Vision
- Minimizing human rights risks throughout the value chain
- Strategy
- Spreading awareness of human rights via the Nikon Human Rights Policy and conducting human rights due diligence
- Indicator: Targets
(Target Fiscal Year) -
- Level of awareness of Nikon Human Rights Policy: 100% (FY2030)
- Conformity rate of RBA Code of Conduct*: 90% or more (FY2025)
- *Scope: Nikon Group manufacturing facilities.
8. Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
- Vision
- Realizing a corporate culture that welcomes diversity and harnesses it in business activities
- Strategy
- Spreading awareness of the Nikon Global Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Policy, creating an environment in which diverse human resources can participate fully, and applying DEI to business activities
- Indicator: Targets
(Target Fiscal Year) -
- Level of awareness of Nikon Global DEI Policy: 100% (FY2030)
- Increase the percentage of women in management positions*: 8.0% or more (FY2025)
- *Scope: Nikon Corporation
9. Employees' health and safety
- Vision
- Allowing each individual to fulfill their potential with a sense of physical and mental health in a safe and comfortable working environment
- Strategy
- Raising awareness of the Nikon Group Health and Safety Policy and implementing health and safety activities
- Indicator: Targets
(Target Fiscal Year) -
- Percentage of findings in regular medical checkups for the Nikon Group in Japan*1: below the previous national average*2 (every fiscal year)
- Annual incidence of occupational accidents attributable to work or related to the performance of work: 60 cases or less (FY2025)
- High stressed person rates in stress checks*3: Below the previous national average*4 (every fiscal year)
- *1Expanding the target from Nikon to the Nikon Group in Japan beginning FY2024.
- *2National average for the manufacturing industry as published by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.
- *3Scope: Nikon Corporation
- *4National average as published by stress check contractors.
Pick Up
Lecture by NPO Terra Renaissance on Improving Resilience in the Democratic Republic of Congo

The Nikon Group pursues activities to build responsible supply chains. To this end, we implement various training and awareness-raising activities to encourage understanding among procurement department employees. One such training is for internal personnel in charge of procurement and new employees. This training aims to deepen employee understanding of the basics and background of procurement operations to improve supply chain stability and promote environmentally and socially conscious procurement activities.
In fiscal year 2023, we began donating to a resilience improvement project in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where human rights abuses over minerals have become a major issue. This particular project is overseen by Terra Renaissance, a Japan-based NGO. We also host in-house lectures from Terra Renaissance to foster a better understanding of the conflict minerals issue.
Organizing Workshops and Other Active Measures to Implement the Nikon Global DEI Policy

The Nikon Group clearly states our commitment to DEI in the Nikon Global Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Policy (Nikon Global DEI Policy).
Based on this policy, the Nikon Group as a whole and as individual companies pursue specific initiatives that take into account local laws and regulations, business characteristics, and other factors.
One such initiative is the Open Up! workshops held by Nikon Europe B.V., located in the Netherlands. The company launched these voluntary workshops as a new initiative in fiscal year 2023, with 45 employees from the company's head office in attendance. The workshops provided a fun way to learn about DEI through games, discussions, and videos.
In September 2022, the three Group companies located on the East Coast of the United States (Nikon Americas Inc., Nikon Inc., and Nikon Instruments Inc.) established the DEI Committee, working together to deliberate joint DEI activities.
In fiscal year 2023, the presidents of the three companies led the production of a DEI introduction video presenting messages to promote understanding and awareness among the companies. The video featured more than a dozen employees from diverse backgrounds, job titles, genders, nationalities, etc., who shared their thoughts about DEI and their own cultural backgrounds.
Major Activities in Fiscal Year 2023
Critical Procurement Partners

Percentage of women in management positions at Nikon:

Severity rate of lost time accidents at the Nikon Group: