Nikon's Sustainability
Basic Approach
The Nikon Group has set forth the Sustainability Policy that as our contribution to a sustainable society and the achievement of sustainable growth for the company through the realization of our corporate philosophy of Trustworthiness and Creativity in business activities. Under this policy, we established the Nikon Code of Conduct, which embodies Nikon’s basic approach to CSR and lays down standards for employees to follow when taking actions based on this approach.
Sustainability Policy
The Nikon Group aims to both contribute to a sustainable society and achieve sustainable growth for itself by putting into practice the Nikon philosophy of Trustworthiness and Creativity through our business activities.
- We are committed to helping solve environmental and social challenges and achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through our business activities by delivering uniquely Nikon products and services.
- We aim to do better for the environment and for society by objectively assessing the impact our business has on the environment and society and continually striving to make improvements.
- Through active dialog with our stakeholders, we stay abreast of changes in society. We also constantly reflect on our own activities to meet stakeholder expectations.
- We do more than what is required to comply with laws and regulations. We act with integrity and fairness and disclose information appropriately.
Sustainability Strategy
To implement our sustainability policy, the Nikon Group has formulated a sustainability plan in conjunction with our Medium-Term Management Plan and Annual Plan.
The Sustainability Strategy outlines 12 materialities across the four areas of business, environment, society/labor, and governance from the dual perspectives of responding to society's expectations with trust and contributing to society through creativity. In addition, we have defined desired outcomes, strategies, and indicators/targets for each materiality in order to achieve Vision 2030 as presented in the Medium-Term Management Plan.
The Nikon Group will oversee the progress of these initiatives and implement a cycle of evaluation and improvement to contribute to a sustainable society and ensure our sustainable growth, as outlined in our Sustainability Policy.
Visions/Strategies for Each Materiality
Business Activity
1. Creating Social Value Through Core Technologies
- Vision
- A Key Technology Solutions Company in a Global Society Where Humans and Machines Co-Create Seamlessly
- Strategy
- Expansion of growth drivers, services and components
- Indicator: Targets
(Target Fiscal Year) -
- Growth drivers as a percentage of consolidated operating profit: 40% or more (FY2030)
- Services and components as a and division percentage of consolidated operating profit: 50% or more (FY2030)
2. Ensuring Trustworthiness by Maintaining and Increasing Quality
- Vision
- Providing competitive products and services that are safe, environmentally friendly and secure
- Strategy
- Advancement and establishment of quality management
- Indicator: Targets
(Target Fiscal Year) -
- Degree of achievement of the plan to review the quality management system in response to changes in the business environment: 100% (every fiscal year)
- Ratio of management system status monitoring and improvement plan implementation: 100% (every fiscal year)
- Comprehension of basic training on quality (business units, Group manufacturing companies): 80% or more (FY2025)
3. Promoting a Decarbonized Society
- Vision
- Reaching Net-Zero throughout the value chain by fiscal year 2050
- Strategy
- GHG emission reduction in Scope 1, 2, and 3 and accelerate introduction of renewable energy
- Indicator: Targets
(Target Fiscal Year) -
- Scope 1 and 2 reduction (compared to FY2022): 57% (FY2030)
- Scope 3 reduction (compared to FY2022): 25% (FY2030)
- Achieve renewable energy adoption rate of 100%
4. Promoting Resource Circulation
- Vision
- Minimize resource consumption and maximize resource circulation throughout the value chain
- Strategy
- Reducing resource consumption and waste, etc.
- Indicator: Targets
(Target Fiscal Year) -
- Percentage of use of recycled materials for products: 5% or more (FY2030)
- Rate of reduction in total discharged waste (compared to FY2018): 10% or more (FY2030)
- Rate of freshwater consumption reduction (compared to FY2018): 5% (FY2030)
5. Preventing Pollution and Conserving Ecosystems
- Vision
- Have zero negative impacts on human health or ecosystems in the value chain
- Strategy
- Appropriate use of chemical substances and reduction of ecological impact and dependence
- Indicator: Targets
(Target Fiscal Year) -
- Hazardous chemical substances in products: Containing zero (FY2030)
- Zero usage of hazardous chemical substances in manufacturing processes: Use zero (FY2030)
- Percentage of FSC-certified or recycled paper (catalogs, instruction manuals, packaging boxes): 100% (FY2030)
6. Building a resilient supply chain
- Vision
- A sustainable supply chain that remains sound at all times in the face of business risks and social issues
- Strategy
- Building a mechanism for supply chain risk assessments and immediate emergency response
- Indicator: Targets
(Target Fiscal Year) -
- Percentage of human rights due diligence conducted*1(critical procurement partners): 100% (FY2025)
- Understanding BCP systems in the supply chain*2: 100% (FY2025)
- *1Implement until improvement is completed when a survey or audit reveals correction is necessary.
- *2The number of suppliers within the scope of the supply chain requiring the establishment of a BCP system.
7. Respecting Human Rights
- Vision
- Minimizing human rights risks throughout the value chain
- Strategy
- Spreading awareness of human rights via the Nikon Human Rights Policy and conducting human rights due diligence
- Indicator: Targets
(Target Fiscal Year) -
- Level of awareness of Nikon Human Rights Policy: 100% (FY2030)
- Conformity rate of RBA Code of Conduct*: 90% or more (FY2025)
- *Scope: Nikon Group manufacturing facilities.
8. Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
- Vision
- Realizing a corporate culture that welcomes diversity and harnesses it in business activities
- Strategy
- Spreading awareness of the Nikon Global Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Policy, creating an environment in which diverse human resources can participate fully, and applying DEI to business activities
- Indicator: Targets
(Target Fiscal Year) -
- Level of awareness of Nikon Global DEI Policy: 100% (FY2030)
- Increase the percentage of women in management positions*: 8.0% or more (FY2025)
- *Scope: Nikon Corporation
9. Employees' Health and Safety
- Vision
- Allowing each individual to fulfill their potential with a sense of physical and mental health in a safe and comfortable working environment
- Strategy
- Raising awareness of the Nikon Group Health and Safety Policy and implementing health and safety activities
- Indicator: Targets
(Target Fiscal Year) -
- Percentage of findings in regular medical checkups for the Nikon Group in Japan*1: below the previous national average*2 (every fiscal year)
- Annual incidence of occupational accidents attributable to work or related to the performance of work: 60 cases or less (FY2025)
- High stressed person rates in stress checks*3: Below the previous national average*4 (every fiscal year)
- *1Expanding the target from Nikon to the Nikon Group in Japan beginning FY2024.
- *2National average for the manufacturing industry as published by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.
- *3Scope: Nikon Corporation
- *4National average as published by stress check contractors.
10. Thorough compliance
- Vision
- Zero compliance violations
- Strategy
- Spreading awareness of the Nikon Code of Conduct
- Indicator: Targets
(Target Fiscal Year) -
- Establishment of compliance awareness*: 95% or more (FY2025)
- Awareness level of whistleblower system*: 95% or more (FY2025)
- *Checked by Nikon Group awareness surveys
11. Strengthening corporate governance
- Vision
- Governance that is transparent, efficient, and trusted by stakeholders
- Strategy
- Continuously conducting effectiveness evaluations of the Board of Directors and improving its diversity
- Indicator: Targets
(Target Fiscal Year) -
- Evaluating Board effectiveness and addressing key issues: 100% (every fiscal year)
- Board of Director Diversity: Optimizing the composition of the Board of Directors to meet stakeholder demands (every fiscal year)
12. Strengthening risk management
- Vision
- Appropriate measures in place to address key risks
- Strategy
- Establishing a company-wide risk management system in line with environmental changes and management strategies
- Indicator: Targets
(Target Fiscal Year) -
- Progress in identifying important risks and implementing measures based on risk assessments: 100% (every fiscal year)
- *Indicator/goal scope: Nikon Group (Nikon Corporation and consolidated subsidiaries), unless noted otherwise.
The Nikon Group has established the Sustainability Committee, chaired by the representative director and president. The committee deliberates and manages overall sustainability activities, including the review of materialities, setting related strategies and targets, managing progress, evaluating performance, and directing improvements. The committee also monitors risks and opportunities related to sustainability, with a focus on materiality.
In the Nikon Group, corporate administration divisions take the lead in developing Group-wide activities based on materiality goals discussed and finalized by the Sustainability Committee. Other divisions are also working to develop and implement integrated sustainability and business goals in their annual plans.
Risk Management
The Nikon Group established the Risk Management Committee, chaired by the chief risk officer (CRO) to respond properly to risks that could have a critical impact on corporate management. The Risk Management Committee conducts risk assessment surveys across the entire Nikon Group and tracks the progress of efforts to mitigate risks that should be given special priority.
Furthermore, the Risk Management Committee and the Sustainability Committee regularly share reports, identify issues and matters to address in the future, and coordinate their responses as needed to address risks.
Sustainability Report
For more information, refer to the Our Approach to Sustainability, Strategy, Governance, Risk Management and Indicators and Targets sections of the Sustainability Report.
- Our Approach to Sustainability( PDF:311KB)
Basic Approach
- Strategy( PDF:496KB)
Sustainability Strategy
Identification of Materiality
- Governance( PDF:440KB)
Sustainability Promotion System
PDCA Cycle Implementation Framework
Participation in International Initiatives
Stakeholder Engagement
- Risk Management( PDF:263KB)
Sustainability Risk Management
- Indicators and Targets( PDF:291KB)