Strengthening risk management
Materiality 12
Reason for Priority
Risk management involves accurate risk identification and proactive measures to minimize risk impacts. The importance of risk management is intensifying as the risks surrounding companies diversify, including increasing geopolitical risks, digital transformation, and climate change.
In addition, making necessary preparations and arrangements helps to minimize damage and reduce risks. Such preparations and arrangements include those for large-scale disasters, such as earthquakes directly under the Tokyo metropolitan area or massive Nankai megathrust earthquakes, international conflicts and wars, and pandemics.
Identifying various changing risks from a medium- to long-term perspective, and establishing countermeasures based on the resulting impacts to the economy, environment, and society, will lead to sustainable corporate growth.
The risks facing companies are growing more diverse and complex due to changes in the business environment, the rapid evolution of technology, and global socioeconomic changes. Failure to respond to such risks appropriately could result in the loss of trust among stakeholders such as customers and shareholders and may lead to damages that affect the continuity of a company. For this reason, the development of an effective risk management system is becoming increasingly more important.
The Nikon Group develops human resources and systems to strengthen our three lines of defense in risk management. These lines consist mainly of business divisions, administrative divisions, and internal audit divisions, respectively. Furthermore, we strengthen group governance and develop a global compliance system to improve our ability to respond to global risks, while taking into account changes in management environments and business structures.
Risk Management
The Nikon Group has implemented a risk management system in order to deal appropriately with all risks that may have a significant impact on corporate management with the aim of sustainable growth for Nikon and Group companies.
Risk Management for Information Assets and Cybersecurity
At the Nikon Group, the management and security of information assets is conducted in accordance with the Nikon Group Information Security Policy. The Nikon Group Information Management Rules and other internal rules have been established based on the Policy, to ensure optimal and efficient business conduct while properly protecting information assets according to the circumstances in each country and region. These rules are posted on the internal portal site for employees to access anytime.
- Nikon Group Information Security Policy ( PDF:332KB)
Indicators and Targets
Indicators and Targets (Target Fiscal Year) |
FY2023 Plan | FY2023 Results | FY2024 Plan |
Progress in identifying important risks and implementing measures based on risk assessments: 100% (every fiscal year) |
Continue compliance with applicable personal information protection laws and regulations in various countries | We took necessary measures to comply with the applicable personal information protection laws and regulations of various countries | Strengthen cybersecurity systems and comply with laws and regulations in each country that require product cybersecurity measures |
Sustainability Report
For more information, refer to Strengthening Risk Management in the Sustainability Report.
- Strengthening Risk Management( PDF:363KB)
Risk Management
Basic Approach
Risk Management
Indicators and Targets
Major Initiatives
Risk Management for Information Assets and Cybersecurity
Basic Approach
Risk Management
Indicators and Targets
Major Initiatives
Efforts for Security Export Control
In cooperation with the international community, Nikon conducts control of EXPORT.
Relevant policies
- Nikon Group Information Security Policy ( PDF:245KB)