Human Capital Management
Basic Approach
The diverse talent who works in the Nikon Group are the driving force behind realizing our corporate philosophy. Nikon has built its reputation as a world-leading manufacturer with more than 100 years of achievements by remaining a company where people with an array of skills, values and experiences come together and maximize their collective abilities.
If Nikon and each one of our employees are to become a presence sought after by society and customers in this continuously globalizing and diversifying world, we must continue to grow together. To make this possible, Nikon will clearly present its target direction and organizational goals, and execute a human resources strategy accordingly in order to provide environments and opportunities for contribution where diverse employees can make the most of their abilities and truly feel the growth of both themselves and the company. What we ask from our employees is that they take advantage of these opportunities and show proactive and continuous interest in honing their skills. Nikon will support the efforts of employees who strive for growth, and both fairly and impartially reward those who produce results and contribute to the company.
To respond to change, the diversification of society and customer challenges, we must also draw on a wealth of knowledge, experience, values and expertise. Nikon thus promotes diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) with the aim of creating working environments and a company culture where the characteristics and abilities of all team members are accepted and valued.
These actions will create a virtuous cycle that will enhance our ability to offer value to customers and society, as well as improve employee motivation and engagement, helping nurture autonomous individuals who proactively think and act for the team.
Nikon aims to grow together with each of our diverse employees to achieve our corporate philosophy of “Trustworthiness and Creativity,” and remain a company that contributes to a sustainable society.

Human Resources Strategy

The policy at the core of our Medium-Term Management Plan is to “sustain our main businesses” and “scale earnings in strategic businesses”, by strengthening the delivery of integrated solutions. Across all of our businesses, we have also established a common strategy of deeply aligning and understanding with the “essence” of needs of customers around the world, and delivering end products, components and services optimized to these needs. We will also transform our business model, striving to strengthen our synergies inside and outside the company by combining Nikon's core technologies and open innovation with other companies.
We seek the following traits in the talent that will drive this management strategy.
- Able to respond flexibly to changes in environment, and to think and provide value from the perspective of society and customers
- Able to autonomously think and act in order to achieve organizational or team goals
- Able to work together with diverse individuals and organizations across national, regional and business boundaries
- Able to create synergy by merging new and existing values
We urgently need talent who can lead customer development and strengthen our solutions businesses, particularly in our growth areas. In our established areas, we also predict a future shortage of talent to support Nikon's core strength of manufacturing.
Although we need both a qualitative and a quantitative securing of talent in order to achieve our goals, we are also greatly aware of the increasing difficulty in securing the human resources required to carry out our management strategy due to the ever-greater movement of human resources and competitive hiring environment globally. Considering these circumstances and the needs of our management strategy, we have formulated a human resources strategy founded on the three pillars of our human capital management approach — “acquire talent”, “develop talent”, and “leverage talent” — and are developing a number of measures based on the policies outlined below.
Furthermore, in order to unite our management and human resources strategies, top management under the President will work with the human resources department to establish exact definitions of the required human resources and skills, and set forth measures to acquire, develop and leverage them.
The three pillars of our human resources strategy

The culture and environment that support our human resources strategy
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

The Nikon Group strives to provide opportunities and create an environment in which each and every one of our diverse employees can pursue and achieve their full potential, regardless of age, gender, nationality, etc.
- Nikon Global DEI Policy ( PDF:488KB)
Employees' Health and Safety

Employees' health and safety are the foundations of the company's activities.
With the belief that providing a work environment where employees feel physically and mentally healthy and safe can enhance workplace vitality and productivity, we strive to promote activities for improving health, as well as thorough safety management.