Optical Glass
Nikon's optical glass is a type of clear homogeneous glass that features certain optical qualities such as low wavelength dependency of transmittance and a high refractive index.
Optical Glass (J-series)

Nikon's full range of homogeneous optical glass materials with various properties such as low wavelength dependency of transmittance and high refractive index.
Optical Glass for Molded Lenses (Q-series)

Nikon's optical glass materials for precision molded optical requirements, offers stable material qualities after molding due to its low softening point. Materials are suitable for molded aspheres, lenses and prisms etc.
Click here for details of each product.
- Optical Glass ( PDF:4.28MB)

- Zemax Data: AGF format in Zip file ( Zip:84KB) (last updated: Sep. 2023)
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- *Products: Hardware and its technical information (including software)